Olive oil collected at 555 meters above sea level

Terraverne is a group of olive growers with an oil mill in Teba (Málaga). From their olive groves at 555 meters above sea level, they launch a selection of premium oils for the national and international market.

Narita values ​​the height of these olive groves, a determinant of the quality of its oil, as the core of the storytelling of the brand and basis of the entire project: brand and seal, packaging, graphics and color palette, website with online store, commercial supports, displays for gourmet stores and merchandising.

Oil with its own quality seal and geographical distinctive. Singularity and premium character in a high-altitude olive grove.

Turquoise, yellow and twilight orange. Mediterranean-inspired colors for an indoor oil with sea views.

Long relationships are those that allow us to achieve better results.

Since 1998

Iconic moves from the studio…

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